The Finnish Trade Register has registered the following plans covering the mergers of three of SanomaWSOY's subsidiaries. An announcement covering the mergers will appear in Helsingin Sanomat on April 27, 2001.
SanomaWSOY Corporation and three of its wholly owned subsidiaries, Tiikerijakelu Oy, Kirjatuki Oy, and Sanomain Huoneisto ja Kiinteistöholding Oy, signed a merger plan agreement on March 15, 2001 for the three subsidiaries in question to be merged with the Parent Company.
Under the merger plans, the subsidiaries, together with their assets and debts, will be merged with the Parent Company without any transfer of money. The merger arrangements, which will not result in any changes to SanomaWSOY Corporation's Articles of Association, are being made to streamline SanomaWSOY's administration and enhance its cost-effectiveness.
The intention is to implement the mergers as of September 30, 2001.
The documents relating to the mergers may be consulted by shareholders for a period of one month from the publication of the announcement in Helsingin Sanomat at SanomaWSOY's head offices. Copies of the documents will be sent to shareholders without delay should a shareholder so request. Copies of the documents in question can be ordered by mail from SanomaWSOY's head offices at Ludviginkatu 6-8, FIN-00130 Helsinki, Finland, or by e-mail from the following address:
A shareholder wishing to have the mergers put before the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders for approval, in accordance with Chapter 14, Section 9, Paragraph 3 of the Companies Act, shall present his request to this effect in writing to SanomaWSOY's head offices by May 28, 2001 at the latest.