Helsingin Sanomat Oy, Ilta-Sanomat Oy, Taloussanomat Oy and Esmerk Oy are launching a new shared archive. The ARKiSTO service comprises the complete versions of the newspapers Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat and Taloussanomat, and Esmerk's news production from the years past.
- The archive, which includes the contents of Finland's biggest newspapers in whole, is unique at the market. The service is a response to customers' wishes, says Ilkka Räsänen, President of Esmerk Oy.
Helsingin Sanomat is the largest subscription-based newspaper in the Nordic countries and Ilta-Sanomat is the second largest newspaper and the largest tabloid in Finland. Taloussanomat Oy, acting on the financial information market, publishes the financial daily Taloussanomat and provides news agency services to companies. Esmerk Oy provides news analysis and summary services with a special focus on customised news compilation and mediation.
Helsingin Sanomat, Ilta-Sanomat, Taloussanomat and Esmerk are part of the Sanoma division of the SanomaWSOY Group.