Sanoma's new free sheet chain Kymppi to start from Eastern Helsinki
Sanoma Kaupunkilehdet will establish a new free sheet chain by publishing the first regional issue of Kaupunkilehti Kymppi on 4 April in Eastern Helsinki. Other four issues to be delivered to the households in the capital area will start just after summer.
The circulation of the paper in Eastern Helsinki will be 75,000. The tabloid will come out twice a week, on Mondays and Thursdays. A distribution agreement has been made with Finland Post.
- Reliable and well-functioning distribution is one of the most important elements in this business. Having Post as our partner is a definite competitive advantage. Through Post we can reach the households in the capital area securely and efficiently, says Vesa Railamaa, Sales Director of Sanoma Kaupunkilehdet.
Kymppi will be more enterprising and brisker than other free sheets on the market.- It supports the reader's day by useful contents; it is the reader?s map to cope with daily life and a guide for the best adventures during the weekend, outlines Janne Kaijärvi, Editor-in-Chief. - Kymppi is simply more interesting than our competitors, and different.
There will be separate local news for every regional issue. - The paper is firmly on the reader?s side and is alert to give an opinion on local matters; it watches, digs in and calls for action, assures Kaijärvi.
Kaupunkilehti Kymppi is a daring tabloid also as to its appearance. Its layout has been designed by Hannu Pulkkinen, Chief Designer at Ilta-Sanomat, and Kimmo Koskinen, Layout Editor at Uutislehti 100.
Sanoma Free Sheets also publishes Uutislehti 100, which is distributed in connection with public transport in the capital area. The paper has gained a clearly stronger foothold since last autumn. A new, joint editorial office will be set up at Sanomala, Vantaa, to start with some 20 employees.
- Sanoma's objective is a third of the free sheet markets in Finland. This means a very strong position in the capital area and the surrounding Uusimaa district. Kymppi will play a crucial role in this competition. I am convinced that with these people and with this product we can conduce to a lot, says Mikael Pentikäinen, President of Sanoma.
- Together with Helsingin Sanomat, we will get a stronger grip on our core area and can provide a versatile portfolio, which will extensively satisfy the needs of both our readers and advertisers, judges Pentikäinen.
Niko Ruokosuo, President of Sanoma Kaupunkilehdet, considers the establishing of the new sheet an efficient activity. - The whole concept of Kymppi has been made from scratch observing the needs of readers and advertisers. Content, layout, production and distribution are all top tuned, says Ruokosuo.