Press release, 4. 2. 2013The editorial content of Helsingin Sanomat has already been available in the iPad app since December 2010. The users of the iPad app can now choose to read the day's paper in the designated iPad format or the printed paper as a full digital replica with ads. The digital replica also provides new opportunities for media customers.The readers of the Helsingin Sanomat iPad app have requested apartment and job sections in the app, the ads in the paper, stock exchange rates and family announcements. By selecting the digital replica, iPad users can now enjoy all content of the updated paper.Media customers also get new opportunities through the digital replica."With the digital replica, we can provide additional visibility for ads published in the paper. The digital replica also includes rich media ads seen in the Helsingin Sanomat iPad app. With the ads, advertisers get new opportunities to deliver their message, or they can guide customers directly to their online store," says Petteri Putkiranta, Business Director of Helsingin Sanomat.The number of tablet devices in Finland is growing rapidly. The website of Helsingin Sanomat, for example, already has more than 110,000 unique tablet users. The Helsingin Sanomat iPad app already has more than 36,000 unique users per week.The Helsingin Sanomat iPad app is a free download from the Apple App Store. In addition to the day's paper, the app also includes the most recent news, a location-specific weather service, news video content and advertiser inserts. The Helsingin Sanomat app is available for a free trial. To get unlimited reading access, purchase the HS Verkko Plus service for €14.90 per month. You will also get unlimited reading access to the Helsingin Sanomat online service and the articles in the archive with all terminal devices, including smartphone apps.You can access the digital replica by updating the Helsingin Sanomat app in the App Store. If your app version is older than 3.0, first remove the old app and then download the new version from the App Store. Check your iPad settings for your app version.The paper started in the new format on 8 January and has received positive feedback. Readers find the paper diverse and clear and easy to use. It´s completely new, but it still has the good, old Helsingin Sanomat sense to it.More information:Petteri Putkiranta, Business Director of Helsingin Sanomat, tel. +358 40 550 1551Mikael Pentikäinen, Editor-in-chief, tel. +358 40 504 1944Helsingin Sanomat reaches 1.9 million Finns through different channels every week. In addition to the daily paper, Helsingin Sanomat includes, the Nyt supplement, the Kuukausiliite monthly supplement, Nelonen News, and Radio Helsinki. The new format of Helsingin Sanomat provides unique journalism in print, on the computer, smartphones and tablets.Sanoma News is the leading multi-channel media company in Finland, and its products in both print and digital format have a strong presence in the lives of their readers. In addition to Helsingin Sanomat, the largest daily in the Nordic region, the division publishes Ilta-Sanomat, Finland’s largest quality tabloid and Taloussanomat, number one in digital financial media, as well as regional newspapers. Sanoma News is also among the most significant digital actors in Finland. Sanoma News is part of Sanoma, a strong European group operating in diverse fields of consumer media and learning in some 20 countries.
Helsingin Sanomat introduces its new format as a digital replica in its iPad app
Sanoma Media Finland
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