Helsingin Sanomat, the leading daily in Finland, today appeared as a tabloid for the first time. In addition to format, the content, structure and layout are new. For example, readers get two completely new parts, focusing on recreational themes. At the same time, the content will have a better pace to match the daily lives of readers.”Tabloid is pivotal in the historic renewal of Helsingin Sanomat. The goal is to cater to changes in reading habits, and to future challenges. Our guiding light is to continue to provide outstanding journalism regardless of how and where you read the paper,” says Mikael Pentikäinen, Senior Editor-in-Chief of Helsingin Sanomat.The renewal of Helsingin Sanomat has developed the paper in all channels: in late 2012, the web service became partly subject to a fee, Nelonen news and Metro editorial staff joined the editorial staff of Helsingin Sanomat and broadcasting of TV news was launched at a studio completed in Sanomatalo. On 17 January, Helsingin Sanomat will start publishing the HS Mesta city paper, delivered once a week to non-subscribers in the Helsinki region. The paper comprises material previously published in the city pages.The goal of the renewal is to meet the rapid changes in media use, to develop the content of Helsingin Sanomat and to deliver them to readers in the format preferred by them. For advertisers, the new Helsingin Sanomat and the multi-channel advertisement solutions offer diverse, effective packages.”I warmly welcome the tabloid Helsingin Sanomat to the breakfast table! The long-term development project of Helsingin Sanomat is also a magnificent practical example of our willingness and capability for renewal. The change in the entire sector is picking up. We must continuously develop ourselves and find new ways of action," says Harri-Pekka Kaukonen, President and CEO of Sanoma.Helsingin Sanomat reaches 1.9 million Finns through different channels every week. In addition to the daily paper, Helsingin Sanomat includes the Nyt supplement, Kuukausiliite, Channel Four Finland News, Radio Helsinki and Helsingin Sanomat.fi. The paper can also be read on a computer, phone or tablet, e.g. iPad.Sanoma News is the leading newspaper publisher in Finland, and its products in both print and digital format have a strong presence in the lives of their readers. In addition to Helsingin Sanomat, the largest daily in the Nordic region, the division publishes Ilta-Sanomat, Finland’s largest quality tabloid and Taloussanomat, the number one digital financial media, as well as regional newspapers. Sanoma News is also among the most significant digital actors in Finland. Sanoma News is part of Sanoma, a strong European group operating in diverse fields of media and learning in some 20 countries.
Helsingin Sanomat is a tabloid – the paper is rethought in all channels
Sanoma Media Finland