Pupils can now prepare for the new compulsory arithmetic test at home

Dutch educational publisher Malmberg is launching a new app for all pupils in the upper years of secondary education and vocational education. The app enables them to prepare thoroughly for the new arithmetic test/exam, which will be compulsory for all exam year pupils next year. This academic year, pupils can get an exemption if they pass the Arithmetic Test - which this year is still being held in May. The exemption only applies to pupils in the pre-exam year of secondary school.

The unique thing about the Arithmetic Test trainer is that it allows pupils to practise at home and also take an actual CITO arithmetic test. This app will give them a picture of their performance in arithmetic ahead of time and enable them to do extra practice for the arithmetic test if necessary.

Practising the real arithmetic exam
With the Arithmetic Test trainer, pupils can practise at home for the real secondary education arithmetic test and the vocational education arithmetic exam, complete with CITO lay-out and functionality. In test mode, the pupil goes through the exam questions in linear fashion - just as in the real arithmetic test/exam. The buttons, too, are exactly the same as in the ‘real’ test environment. At the end, a score and a mark for the arithmetic test/exam are generated.

Users can also choose the training mode, allowing them to easily navigate through the questions. There is a working-out for each task with the correct answers from the arithmetic test trainer, plus a summary of the correct and incorrect answers.

The following arithmetic tests and exams are now available in the app (more tests will follow after release by CITO):

  • Arithmetic test for 2F VMBO (junior general secondary education)
  • Arithmetic test for 3F HAVO-VWO (senior general secondary education/pre-university education)
  • Arithmetic exam (Centrally Developed Exam - COE) for 3F MBO (vocational education)

The Arithmetic Test Trainer is an app for the iPad and normally costs € 1.79. Until 1 May 2013, the app will be available for the special launch price of € 0.89.

For more information, visit www.rekentoetstraining.nl or www.rekenexamen.nl. The app can be downloaded from the AppStore.

More about the arithmetic test
From the 2013-2014 academic year, the list of marks from the final exam taken by pupils in secondary education will for the first time include a mark for arithmetic. From two years’ time, the mark for the arithmetic test will also count towards the pupil’s pass or fail. The Centrally Developed Exam (COE) will be introduced in vocational education (MBO) in 2015-2016. Until that time, pupils will take the arithmetic exam but it will not count towards the list of final marks or the pupils’ pass/fail.

For more information, please contact Peter Hoogendijk, Publisher at Malmberg.

About Malmberg
Malmberg is a well-known and leading educational publisher in the Netherlands. Malmberg publishes mixed media learning systems, educational tools and services for teachers for the Dutch market on primary, secondary and vocational schools. Malmberg is part of Sanoma. Sanoma is a front runner in consumer media and learning in Europe.