As of February 1, 2013, Hungary’s market leading textbook publishing house, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó (National Textbook Publishing House), operates under the name Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó (Wisdom of Generations Textbook Publishing House).
However, this is not the most significant change on the market of textbooks this year as a new textbook regulation will come into force soon, the new National Curriculum and the frame curricula connected to it will be operative from September; furthermore, the textbook distribution will also be carried out according to a new system. NTK is prepared for the changes and in case the new regulations are ready and implementable in due time, NTK will prepare its publications and deliver them to the schools before the beginning of the new term in September.
Hungary’s oldest and market-leading textbook publishing house continues its operations under a new name: as of February 1, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó (National Textbook Publishing House) is called Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó (Wisdom of Generations Textbook Publishing House), keeping its commonly used abbreviation NTK. During its more than 60 years of operation, the name of NTK has been changed several times – the recent change is due to a regulation that came in force from February. The new name of NTK, a member of Sanoma Learning group, is Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó, which might be familiar for many since the publishing house has been using the “wisdom of generations” slogan for a long time since NTK’s publications help create the continuity of knowledge between generations.
While the name change is an important stage in the life of the publishing house, the change does not concern NTK’s goals and activities. Preparing the high-quality learning materials in due time will be the most important task of Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó in the future as well. At the same time, the company does everything it can to adapt to the new textbook regulations. “As the largest player of the domestic textbook market we have responsibilities to thousands of teachers, students, and future generations. We tailored our publications to the new frame curricula and we are prepared for the changes of the textbook market. Whether or not our textbooks reach schools in time, like they did in the previous years, will not be up to us” – said János Tamás Kiss, chief executive officer of NTK.
Associates of NTK have been working hard for months so that its publications meet the requirements of the new National Curriculum and frame curricula that will come into force as of September, 2013 respecting the first, fifth, and ninth grades. The textbooks of the publishing house were prepared based on the operative regulation on the authorization of textbooks, and although the ministry plans to publish new regulations, NTK does not expect that the pending process will be restarted. These textbooks also meet the criteria regarding durable textbooks.
The changes of the regulations concern the contents of textbooks and their distribution as well. The distribution from this year is executed by Könyvtárellátó Kiemelten Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft. (Library Supply Distribution Co.).
NTK is the largest textbook publishing house in Hungary producing textbooks for every subject of each grade, in fact, several types of textbooks for the majority of the subjects. Besides students of primary and secondary schools and higher education institutions, ones with special pedagogical needs, and students of minorities can also learn from NTK’s books. Most of its publications are colorful and fit the highest consumer needs. The publishing house puts great emphasis on quality not only respecting content but production as well. Conforming to the latest needs, special attention is given to digital learning materials in its product range. The URL of NTK’s website remains the same ( and all of its addresses remain unchanged.
Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó Zrt. (NTK)
Nemzedékek Tudása Tankönyvkiadó Zrt. (NTK) is owned by NTK Oktatási Holding Zrt., which belongs Sanoma. The more than 60 years old NTK is the leading textbook publishing house of Hungary. It produces modern learning materials fitting 21st-century needs for primary and secondary school students and teachers, and for college and university students too. NTK publishes more than 2500 textbooks and learning aids. NTK has a wide range of products for minority pupils and for students with special pedagogical needs as well. NTK is part of the Strategic Business Unit Sanoma Learning.